Thursday, February 28, 2013

Projections Part 2 - STCM Map

This week was a bear! Like everyone else, I had a terrible time with the amount of the material and the written (19 pages) instructions. It was only after speaking with Amber, course instructor, and taking a break from the whole situation that I was able to get back to it today and produce something as depicted by my map below. I was not able to get the roads and county boundaries to show but I ran out of time and wanted to get something posted. Not my best work but then again this lab was only one part of what was required this week. In addition to all this frustration, we also had to work in a group to produce an online map, write the process up and post to a gallery on ArcGIS Online. This was by far more fun!

This map was a result of searching for and downloading data such as quads, aerials, shapefiles and tabular xy data from two online sources: FGDL and It represents two quad sheets, Pace and Cantonement within Escambia County, FL wherein a number of Petroleum Storage Tank Contamination Monitoring Sites are located. I am hoping that over time and with practice this material will not be such a mystery to me and I can produce quality work.

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