Thursday, April 4, 2013

Geocoding and ModelBuilder Exercise - Week 12

This week was an extensive introduction to Geocoding and ModelBuilder. We not only read the material in Jensen, took a quiz, completed a 2nd Group Assignment, finished an exercise on the ESRI site but then worked on various part of our lab assignment. In this weeks lab we created an address locator, conducted Geocoding address matching, matched unmatched addresses, enabled and worked with the Network Analysis extension tool to add stops and calculate the optimal route for EMS stops in Lake County, FL. As a result, we created a map with 2 dataframes depicting this work. I had some difficulty the first day I worked on this project and decided to walk away and start fresh today. The final product is below:

Although I know I didn't get everything exactly correct on this project, I believe I learned most of what was expected. I feel at a disadvantage when looking at other student's work because I was not able to take the Cartography class at the same time as this one and know that they are able to add much more to the product than I can. I just feel that it is better to try and produce something rather than walking away completely. I do feel as if I did learn a great deal over the last several weeks working on this project.

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